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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

13 Marketplaces to Sell or Buy a Website or a SaaS Business

Web design is creative and time-consuming at the same time. But sometimes, selling a design, a template, or a ready to use website can get challenging. It might not prove to be as much of a revenue generator as one would like, and there could be several reasons for it. For one, the justified asking price might get slightly high due to the scale of investment and time involved, and thus, buyers might move to other vendors.

Monitoring Telegraf Plugins in Your Architecture

Monitoring Telegraf — the open source, plugin-driven server agent for collecting metrics from stacks, sensors and systems — is important because it allows you to track the health of Telegraf plugins in your stack. It’s for this purpose that the Telegraf Monitoring Template was developed. Before introducing the template, it’s helpful to recall how Telegraf works.

Things You Should Know Before Choosing Application Performance Monitoring Tools

Application Performance Monitoring tool has become the most emerging business to organizations to deal with complex applications. It helps in optimizing and monitoring the performance of your application. To ensure your app's performance, since it is of utmost importance for the better user-experience, the recommended approach would be to use APM tools. There are wide spectrum of application monitoring tools available in the market place.

Key Kubernetes audit logs for monitoring cluster security

Kubernetes continues to be a popular platform for deploying containerized applications, but securing Kubernetes environments as you scale up is challenging. Each new container increases your application’s attack surface, or the number of potential entry points for unauthorized access. Without complete visibility into every managed container and application request, you can easily overlook gaps in your application’s security as well as malicious activity.

Automated IT Software and Customer Services: The Key to Today's UX

Service experience is more important than the service itself! Successful service experience goes beyond simply delivering the right business outcome. As your user base has all sorts of individuals, it is necessary to make sure that your solution is the perfect fit for all of them. It should satisfy their professional needs in the best possible way and also deliver a service experience that meets the contextual needs and professional expectations of the end-user.

How To Detect and Prevent Memory Leaks

A memory leak in an application deployed on the cloud can affect the availability and reliability of the application. Therefore, it is highly important to identify and ultimately resolve it quickly. However, in the production environment running on the cloud, memory leak detection is a challenge without the knowledge of the application or its internal object allocation details.