The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
Nexthink is incredibly proud to be able to present yet another installment of our Through the Crisis series, in which our customers share their IT challenges and successes from the COVID-19 crisis. In this installment, Yves Habersaat (software engineer, BG Consulting Engineers) explains how his organization leveraged Nexthink to affect a significant update of their IT estate during the early stages of the pandemic.
When developers think of log files and log analysis, their minds typically transports into the world of contributing factors and incident remediation. However, analyzing log events doesn’t always need to be about a specific bug and its corresponding resolution. In fact, log analysis can be a very useful resource for organizations looking to develop a more high-level and large-scale plan for their application moving forward.
We are excited to share that ManageEngine’s Log360 has been awarded the 2020 Fortress Cyber Security Award for Threat Detection. The Business Intelligence Group’s unique scoring system measures performance across multiple business domains.
Client libraries are collections of code that make it easier for developers to write flexible and efficient applications that interface with APIs. Datadog provides client libraries so you can programmatically interact with our API to customize dashboards, search metrics, create alerts, and perform other tasks. We’re pleased to announce that we’ve developed and open-sourced two new client libraries for Java and Go in addition to our existing Ruby and Python libraries.
What tool does your staff use most to communicate? If you’re like a lot of other companies, you may have recently started using Microsoft Teams. In April of 2020, Microsoft reported having 75 million users with a push of 31 million new users due to the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. At Uptrends, we think it is important that our customers can get their monitoring alerts using the communication channels they use most, so we’ve added a new Microsoft Teams integration.
We’re excited to announce that we’ve strengthened our solution for Java Spring. Spring developers can now integrate Rollbar into their Java Spring Boot and Spring Web MVC applications even more quickly and easily. With our new SDK, instrumentation and getting real-time actionable error alerts takes just a few minutes. Spring has consistently been one of the most popular Java frameworks and we want to make sure we’re consistently offering the best possible solution for it.