The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.
In addition to the built-in user authentication that utilizes usernames and passwords, Grafana also provides support for various mechanisms to authenticate users, so you can securely integrate your instance with external identity providers. We are excited to announce that with the release of Grafana 10.0, we have introduced a new user interface that simplifies the configuration of SAML authentication for your Grafana instances.
This question was covered in The Agent is In, Episode 27 CFEngine Q&A: Policy Questions. Testing is an important part of the software life-cycle. Writing tests for your CFEngine policy can help to bring improved assurance that your policy behaves as expected. Follow along and write your first test policy.
This question was covered in The Agent is In, Episode 27 CFEngine Q&A: Policy Questions. Given the following JSON, how can I get a list containing just the values of name?