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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

The Crucial Difference Between IT Security and IT Compliance

Over the last couple of years, organizations across the globe have been facing an increasing number of cyberattacks. The rapid shift to remote work left many organizations vulnerable and bad actors took advantage of this situation. And the global average cost of breaches has seen a sharp increase in 2021 compared to the previous year; from 3.86 million USD in 2021 to 4.24 million USD in 2022.

What is SaaS Cloud Security and What Are SaaS Security Best Practices?

Software-as-a-service or SaaS has taken the business world by storm. With enormous benefits and features, it is no surprise that the SaaS industry has increased by 500% over the past seven years only. However, like any other technology, it carries a significant risk of data breaches. Do you know that encryption worries are the biggest SaaS-related security concerns for businesses?

Uptrends launches new solution for SMS-based 2FA transaction monitoring

As web applications and other digital solutions become more prevalent in everyday life, securing access to these apps against cyber threats becomes more an integral part of their design rather than a separate line of thought. Global cybercrime costs are expected to grow by 15% per year over the next five years, reaching $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

Latest Features Enhance Workflow Creation, Add Modern Controls

The consensus on the state of cybersecurity professionals tends to fall somewhere between “burdened by high volumes of responsibility” and “dangerously understaffed and suffering from unhealthy levels of stress,” depending on how optimistic your source is.

New 2022 Report: Alarming Ransomware Trend Shows No Sign of Reversing

It’s no secret that ransomware threats skyrocketed – in both volume and boldness – during the pandemic. Threat actors capitalized on the sudden transition to remote work and the resulting lapses in security. Now that the working world is beginning to settle into a permanent Everywhere Workplace, you might think the ransomware trend would begin to reverse. Not so, according to a new report from Ivanti. The report details ransomware trends from Q1 2022, and the findings are bleak.

4 Key Steps of a Vulnerability Management Process

Vulnerabilities within an IT environment pose a big security risk and are a threat to digital data within an organization. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by others, or a lack of necessary precautions can result in damaged or lost organizational data. Therefore, it is essential to have a vulnerability management process in place for these reasons.

What is UAC Virtualization? Benefits and Pitfalls

UAC stands for “User Account Control”. This is a field of software management that isolates the operating system’s core components from potentially damaging changes. It refers to the level of access that in Unix-like systems is called “root” and in Windows systems is known as Administrator privileges. User Account Control was initially rolled out as part of Windows Vista to allow only admin accounts to give and take away these permissions.

Top 3 Ways Remote Working Has Unknowingly Increased Your Security Risk

Users across the globe have left their office buildings along with the safety and security of the workplace. This has left companies at their most vulnerable because the full scope of their security exposure is unknown. Attackers are wise to the gaps and vulnerabilities that come from remote working. Not only has the attack surface increased in recent months, but the volume of COVID-19 spam, phishing attacks and malware has also skyrocketed.

Securing SD-WAN in a Cloudy World

Today’s cloud-first enterprise must securely connect their workers to their applications, no matter where their applications may live. Only by transforming both the WAN edge and security architectures can the full promise of the cloud be fully realized. SD-WAN is your opportunity to re-architect, design and build a network that’s secure and fit for the future. Teneo Inc. and Silver Peak can help to make this a clear reality in our cloudy world.