Recently, we began using IP geolocation within StatusGator to learn where are users are located. We are happy to say that it’s working out well. We hoped to use these insights to tune our marketing. To that end, we added the Ahoy gem to help collect information related to how our advertising campaigns are going. The Ahoy gem also uses the geolocation gem to lookup IP addresses. This significantly increased the number of IP geolocation lookups.
The New Topology View for Citrix Monitoring and Citrix Troubleshooting gives an IT administrator an out if the box solution to troubleshoot Citrix from a 50,000 foot view, down to the individual user. It’s an industry first capability to view their entire global hybrid IT infrastructure from a single pane of glass whether it is on premises and or in Amazon AWS or Azure.
This week we released Grafana 5.3.0beta-3 in prep for a stable release that should be available next week. In addition to details on the new beta, we have a lot of new and updated plugins to share, and our weekly roundup of Grafana-related articles from around the Internet.
We all want seamless rollouts of Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop and we use a number of tools to achieve that reality. I have found a unique software that allows me to proactively understand the performance impact of Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop on the IT infrastructure and ultimately end user experience early in the Citrix deployment lifecycle. In this post I will show you four examples of how I use the software to avoid potential issues.
Pandora FMS relies on a MySQL database for configuration and data storage. A database failure can temporarily bring your monitoring solution to a halt. The Pandora FMS high availability database cluster allows you to easily deploy a fault-tolerant, robust architecture.
The year is 2020 and you are responsible for ensuring the efficient and reliable operations of millions of dollars of cloud computing infrastructure. Things have changed a lot in the past few years, even more so from the days when you first moved from on-premise and into AWS.