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Get your own Uptrends Checkpoint

Your private network is teeming with web services (APIs), intranet, business applications like CRMs and ERPs, acceptance and preproduction environments, databases, and other servers. Your business relies on your network infrastructure to function every day. Each part of that infrastructure needs to be available, performing, and functioning well to keep your business humming along.

Exception Perceptions: Automate Your Workflow with Probot for GitHub Apps

On this episode of Exception Perceptions, GitHub Community Engineer Bex Warner stopped by to chat about Probot, a framework for automating GitHub. Watch the episode, and then read what else Bex has to say about the magic of Probot. Also, check out this example of what Sentry has built with Probot.

Incident Response: Should You Prioritize Quality or Quantity?

There are two common approaches to incident response: qualitative and quantitative. Each approach has its pros and cons. Meanwhile, an enterprise’s decision to take a qualitative or quantitative approach to incident response could have far-flung effects on the business, its employees and its customers.