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We're excited that you've joined us! The Spiceworks Community is about technology professionals helping and connecting with other technology professionals, whether you're the lone ranger doing IT all by yourself, or one of a huge team of IT pros. It's about getting answers to your questions, picking up tips and tricks, learning about new products and vendors that might work for you, and – most importantly – sharing what you know with others.

Ways to Detect Anomalies in Azure with Real-Life Examples

Azure MVP, Michael Stephenson (aka Mike) walks through a practical example of Azure anomaly detection and the importance of keeping an eye on costs in Azure. Using Turbo360's cost analyzer module, Mike shows us how to efficiently manage everyday expenses and save money. Mike shares a scenario where he manages a Data Gateway service on Azure within a limited budget. He then explains how changes in resource scheduling led to unexpected cost increases. Using the anomaly detection feature, he identifies the abnormal cost behavior and discusses the significance of promptly addressing such issues.

Customizable Azure Rightsizing Recommendations - Expert Insights

In this video, Michael Stephenson introduces a feature in Turbo360 that allows users to configure customizable settings for Azure rightsizing recommendations. He demonstrates how users can access these settings in the Turbo360 portal and modify rules for rightsizing various resources such as VM scale sets and SQL databases.

Finding unknown/unknowns in logs for SREs with Elastic Observability

Welcome to a quick overview of how Elastic Observability can help SREs tackle the elusive unknown/unknowns in their system logs. In just a minute or two, this video will introduce you to the basic strategies and tools that Elastic provides to enhance your site reliability through smarter data insights. Perfect for professionals looking to quick-start their monitoring capabilities without getting overwhelmed. Dive in and discover how to transform your logs into actionable insights!

What is clinical troubleshooting? #incidentmanagement #incidentresponse #sitereliabilityengineering

In this clip, Dan Slimmons explains what this clinical troubleshooting framework entails. It’s no secret that teamwork is one of those things that, when done right, can make a world of a difference. So sometimes, when responding to a particularly complicated incident, it can be best to bring a team together to figure out what’s going on and work towards a fix. But it’s not enough to just jam a bunch of folks into a room and hope for the best. You need a framework in place to ensure that everyone stays focused, diagnoses the issue and resolves it as quickly as possible.

Learning is an iterative process #incidentmanagement #incidentresponse #sitereliabilityengineering

In this clip, Viktor Stanchev explains why it's important to remember that learning is an iterative process. Whether you’re a seasoned vet when it comes to incident response, or just getting started out, it can be easy to fall into the trap of doing too much all at once. And it just makes sense. Incident response is one of those things that doesn’t have a single, perfect formula, so teams can be left doing a little bit of everything in an effort to get it right.