Developers, take command of your deploys
Today we’re excited to be rolling out a completely redesigned Sleuth experience. Our new Command Center provides one place to visit so developers can quickly and safely deploy new changes.
The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.
Today we’re excited to be rolling out a completely redesigned Sleuth experience. Our new Command Center provides one place to visit so developers can quickly and safely deploy new changes.
As all developers know, when building software things don’t always go as planned. In fact, most of the time they don’t. With today’s modern distributed architectures it’s more important than ever to have the proper tools in your toolbelt. This allows us to automate as much of the software delivery lifecycle as possible and then be able to immediately triage issues when they arise.
Zero trust is a security concept that is centered around the idea that organizations should never trust anyone or anything that does not originate from their domains. Organizations seeking zero trust automatically assume that any external services it commissions have security breaches and may leak sensitive information.
Delivering modern applications is complicated and requires the coordination of many moving parts. Applications are frequently updated to implement new features and improve security and performance which translates to a better user experience for your customers. To further complicate matters, infrastructure must also be deployed and maintained simultaneously with applications to avoid conflicts or dependencies.