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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Containers, Microservices, and Kubernetes

Faster application development requires more agile application infrastructure. Containers started the transformation of modern application architectures which now are dominated by microservices running on Kubernetes. In this episode of Dissecting DevOps find out how cloud infrastructure has changed, how the modern architectures make application development easier, and the unique challenges introduced by microservices and Kubernetes.

Multi-cluster Observability and Security with Linkerd and Kublr

Applications distributed on Kubernetes are quickly pushing the geographical and logical boundaries which are inherent to single clusters. As a result, Kubernetes users are growing their applications across multiple clusters. The open source community of the Linkerd service mesh has responded by enabling observability and security across clusters. Combined with Kublr's multi-cluster operations and observability capabilities you've got a powerful set of tools to deliver distributed applications.

Announcing Native Support for Kubernetes Secrets in Codefresh Pipelines

Secret management has been one of the most challenging areas when it comes to application deployments. Especially in the era of containers and dynamic services that come and go all the time, secret storage and rotation is more important than ever. Today we release our brand-new secret management integration that allows you to use Kubernetes secrets and configmaps straight into Codefresh pipelines in the easiest way possible.

Helm Chart Security Mitigation: Talking Back to CVEs in ChartCenter

If your Helm charts could talk, what would they say to potential users? Would they boast of the power in the Kubernetes apps they deploy? Would they warn of their dangers? Would they offer advice? In JFrog’s new ChartCenter, a community repository of publicly available Helm charts, that’s exactly what they’ll do. ChartCenter reveals to users what known risks lie within the container images deployed by every Helm chart.

Double Header: Konvoy 1.5 and Kommander 1.1 Are GA!

Today we made Konvoy 1.5 and Kommander 1.1 generally available. In January, D2iQ defined a 12 month roadmap for Kommander and Konvoy. With these newest releases focused on the Single Enterprise Experience, that mission is halfway complete. Here are some of the highlights of the latest releases.

This Month in Spring - July 2020

Hi, Spring fans! 2020, eh? It's easy to complain, and goodness knows I certainly do my fair share, but - as my dad always said, "any day on this side of the dirt is a good day," and I try to remember that. There's a lot to be enthusiastic about if you like. I always look. That's what this roundup is all about. It's a fount of the fun, fantastic, production-powered, and boundless beauty of all things Spring Boot.