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How to Monitor Your AWS Workloads

A WS is a comprehensive platform with over 200+ types of cloud services available globally. As organizations adopt these services, monitoring their performance can seem overwhelming. The majority of AWS workloads behind the scenes are dependent on a core set of services: EC2 (the compute service), EBS (block storage), and ELB (load balancing).

Rails + observIQ; Chapter 1: Log management at the core of Rails application development

Logging is useful in building, managing and debugging Rails applications. Most logging functionalities are built into the application, and it is fairly simple to find the logs. However, as your applications scale up in volume, it becomes difficult to trace the source of an issue. That’s when you want to implement a cloud based log management system to get a unified view of all logs from your Rails application.

Observability and Cyber Resiliency - What Do You Need To Know?

Observability is one of the biggest trends in technology today. The ability to know everything, understand your system, and analyze the performance of disparate components in tandem is something that has been embraced by enterprises and start-ups alike. What additional considerations need to be made when factoring in cyber resiliency? A weekly review of the headlines reveals a slew of news covering data breaches, insider threats, or ransomware.

The Syslog Staying Power

Some classics never go out of style, like a good pair of boat shoes or cowboy boots, depending on where you live. In the logging world, syslog is this classic. For more than 30 years, the syslog protocol has been a standard for logging. When we talk to users about what type of logs they collect and how they send them to SolarWinds ® Papertrail ™ , syslog always comes up. “Our application logs and server system logs are sent to Papertrail.

Best practices for collecting and managing serverless logs with Datadog

Logs are an essential part of an effective monitoring strategy, as they provide granular information about activity that occurs anywhere in your system. In serverless environments, however, you have no access to the infrastructure that supports your applications, so you must rely entirely on logs from individual AWS services when troubleshooting performance issues.

Securing Serverless Applications with Critical Logging

We’ve seen time and again how serverless architecture can benefit your application; graceful scaling, cost efficiency, and a fast production time are just some of the things you think of when talking about serverless. But what about serverless security? What do I need to do to ensure my application is not prone to attacks? One of the many companies that do serverless security, Protego, came up with an analogy I really like.

Cloud-Centric PCI Compliance Demands Cloud-Native Controls

Over the last 15-plus years, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard – a.k.a. PCI DSS – has endured as the bellwether of IT security standards. For today’s e-commerce vendors and cloud centric retailers, maintaining alignment with “PCI” remains as relevant as ever, especially given the continued proliferation of threats and diversity of cloud and hybrid environments.