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G2: Squadcast Leads in Incident Management and Secures Key Wins Across IT Alerting

We’re thrilled to share that Squadcast has been recognized as a Leader for the second time in the Incident Management Category. This win celebrates our pioneering role in Unified Incident Management, where we bring together On-Call Management, Incident Response, Workflow Automation, AI/ML-powered Noise Reduction, and SLO tracking—all in one platform.

Using Kosli attest in Github Actions Workflows - Some Do's and Don'ts

The heart of Kosli’s functionality lies in its attest command. Think of it as a digital notary for your CI process. Every time you complete a significant step in your pipeline (e.g., a security scan, a build, a deployment, etc) you use kosli attest to create an immutable record of that event. However, integrating Kosli into your existing CI workflow isn’t always straightforward. You might find yourself grappling with questions like.

Netdata's Integration with ilert: Streamlining Monitoring and Incident Response

Netdata now integrates with ilert, a leading incident response platform. With this integration, the incident management features and alerting capabilities of ilert and the real-time systems monitoring provided by Netdata can be leveraged. By combining both systems, users can not only monitor their infrastructure with fine detail as never before, but also assure the responsiveness of critical alerts to the correct teams swiftly.

Evaluating Codefresh with a Local Setup

Welcome to our quick start guide, designed to help you get the most from Codefresh. Whether you want to use the CI portion to build and test your applications or explore the GitOps feature powered by Argo CD, this is the place to start. We’ll walk you through setting up runtimes for non-production and testing purposes and provide sample code to ensure you have everything you need to get started. You can use the code provided as a model if you need to deploy in a production manner.

Mastering regulatory compliance with incident.io

The origin of incident.io goes back to our days building Monzo, a UK-based bank, where Stephen, Pete, and I first crossed paths. As a bank, compliance with numerous regulations was, unsurprisingly, a top priority. When it came to incident management—something we were very involved in—this meant that every aspect of reporting, policy adherence, and root cause analysis (or "contributing factors," as we called it) had to be managed consistently and meticulously.

Best Amazon RDS Alternatives For Cloud Database Management

Data is in the digital age what oil was in the industrial age. Many organizations have noticed this and are now racing to find the most efficient, cost-effective, and robust platforms to help organize, store, and manage their data. Amazon RDS offers a robust cloud database solution, but like any service, it has limitations. In this guide, we’ll explain cloud database management, how Amazon RDS supports it, and why it might not meet all needs.

20 years of partnership: how our partners help us take Ubuntu across industries, markets and devices

As we celebrate 20 years of Ubuntu, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the value of partnership. The idea that software should be open source and accessible to all gave birth to a vibrant community of users and a partner ecosystem who help us take Ubuntu across industries. So who do we work with? We are fortunate to count over 100 partners, all of whom have a different relationship with Ubuntu.