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Implementing Backstage 3: Integrating with Existing Tools Using Plugins

This third part of the “Implementing Backstage” series explains how to integrate Backstage with existing tools and plugins. If you’re at an earlier stage of your Backstage implementation, the two previous installments in this series focus on getting started and using the core features. If you’re looking for a more general introduction to Backstage, you can read the first article in the “Evaluating Backstage” series.

How do you measure software health?

Just like personal health, software health is best managed proactively so you can prevent issues before they occur and avoid costly, stressful outages. Cortex helps you track and improve the health of your software with Scorecards and Initiatives. Scorecards quantify software health by aggregating data from multiple sources to give you a continuous view into the health of your system. Initiatives use Scorecards to drive organizational improvement.

Harnessing PowerShell to Optimize SharePoint Online Management

In the realm of collaborative digital environments, SharePoint Online emerges as a quintessential platform fostering seamless interactions, data sharing, and project coordination among teams. As part of the Microsoft 365 suite, it encapsulates a rich array of features tailored to meet the diversified needs of modern organizations.

Spot Connect: Reflecting on progress and innovation

As we make Spot Connect available for all users today, we’re taking a moment to look back at the journey we’ve embarked upon since its beta release. Spot Connect made its debut with a clear vision—to revolutionize cloud operations by automating workflows, and the response from the Spot by NetApp community has been instrumental in shaping its evolution. Here’s a retrospective on the key milestones and lessons we’ve gained during this transformative year.

Replay messages in Azure Service Bus dead-letter queue

When working and dealing with asynchronous messaging patterns – in this case, using Azure Service Bus – depending on the requirements, you will find many scenarios when you need to reprocess messages. Sometimes, a message failed because a system was offline for a certain period, there was a bug with the service, and we needed to resend specific messages and many other reasons.

5 Reasons Why You Should Migrate to the Cloud in 2023

Even though cloud migration is rapidly increasing globally, larger enterprises may hesitate to adopt this technology. This is typically the result of imagined obstacles like possible dangers, complex migrations, or a deficiency of specialized knowledge. Organizations that choose not to go to the cloud, however, run the risk of suffering a far more significant cost for their inaction. This article outlines the top five arguments for moving your company toward cloud computing and overcoming reluctance.

5 Ways to Streamline IT Operations With the UK's Northern Connectivity Hub

The Edinburgh South Gyle colocation data centre is the largest and most connected in Scotland, and one of the most connected north of London. In fact, there are 27 carriers available at the centre — more than double the number that any of our other data centres have. In fact, it’s so large and well-connected that we refer to it as the UK’s Northern Connectivity Hub. But what does that mean for your business - and how can you benefit from the colocation services available?

Azure Functions Distributed Tracing

In today’s cloud-centric, serverless computing landscape, applications are increasingly distributed and complex, composed of numerous microservices, functions, and external dependencies. Azure Functions, a serverless compute service offered by Microsoft Azure, plays a pivotal role in building scalable, event-driven applications.