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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Kubernetes network policies with Sysdig

Microservices and Kubernetes have completely changed the way we reason about network security. Luckily, Kubernetes network security policies (KNP) are a native mechanism to address this issue at the correct level of abstraction. Implementing a network policy is challenging, as developers and ops need to work together to define proper rules. However, the best approach is to adopt a zero trust framework for network security using Kubernetes native controls.

Finding Zen - How IT Ops and IT Security Can Work Together

It's no secret IT Ops and Security teams don't have the most glowing relationship. The simplistic reason is while Ops is responsible for making work and communication as seamless and accessible as possible (and therefore wants everything open), Security is focused on making it as difficult as possible for the wrong people to get inside (and therefore wants everything closed). But beyond the trite hot takes, fundamentally, both teams want to keep the bad guys out without stifling productivity. And when these two groups work together—Well, it’s magic. Timothy Brown, SolarWinds VP of Security, is here to tell you how to reduce friction with some advice and real-world examples.

Shipping Sysmon Logs to Logz.io Cloud SIEM

System Monitor (Sysmon) is Windows’ service for monitoring activity and recording it to the Windows event log. It is the go-to for logging anything on a PC. Sysmon will immediately log events, capturing vital info. The driver for Sysmon will install as a boot-start driver, enabling capture of any and all events from the get-go. Now, you can send Sysmon logs straight to Logz.io Cloud SIEM.

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Networking with Calico

Troubleshooting connectivity problems in distributed networks is difficult enough, but doing it in a Kubernetes environment is even more challenging. However, there are tools in Calico that can ease the burden and speed problem resolution. Join this session that discusses the components that makeup Calico and best practices for troubleshooting connectivity problems in your Kubernetes cluster when things go wrong.

The Technology Companies Think They Can Live Without (and Why They're Wrong)

When the value is obvious, most companies are willing to invest in tools to help employees get their job done better. But over the course of my career, I’ve noticed a few blind spots companies can’t seem to remember when writing out their tech team grocery list. These include things obvious to many, like training, antivirus for all devices, and comprehensive content management; or the more subtle ones like password managers or (yes) monitoring.

Cybersecurity defenses for IIoT

Cybersecurity attacks on industrial IoT solutions can have detrimental consequences. This is the case because IoT devices record privacy-sensitive data and control production assets. Therefore, demonstrable trustworthiness is prerequisite to IoT adoption in industrial settings. Fortunately, IT security is a mature field. Experts have identified classes of threats devices may be subject to. Let’s discuss these threat patterns and mitigation strategies in the IIoT context.

Sysdig extends image scanning to Google Cloud's Artifact Registry

In support of modern application development built on CI/CD, containers and open source, Google Cloud launched Artifact Registry (now generally available), a new artifact management solution. Sysdig helps DevOps teams using Artifact Registry confidently secure the build pipeline with comprehensive image scanning that identifies container vulnerabilities and misconfigurations to reduce risk.

Winning On Tomorrow's Interconnected Battlefields

With the U.S. national security plan highlighting the need for both information dominance and protection, the Department of Defense is considering plans like modernizing military networks to ensure more effective communications between warfighters and allies in the harshest of environments and recruiting the specialized talent required for battlefield domination. To begin, the DoD must bridge the gap between its ambitious vision and the capabilities of current military networks.

Getting up and running with Calico on your Rancher Kubernetes Cluster

Rancher is a great way to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters across a broad range of environments, abstracting away many of the differences between the environments, and using Canal for run-anywhere networking. But what if you want to up your networking game to squeeze the most out of your clusters? In this training session you’ll learn about the various networking options available to you in Rancher, and considerations to take into account in order to select the best option for your environment.