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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

How to secure your network from a Ryuk ransomware attack

Universal Health Services (UHS), a Fortune 500 company and healthcare services provider, has reportedly shut down systems at facilities throughout the United States after the Ryuk ransomware hit its network on September 27, according to an article on the Health IT Security website. What is Ryuk ransomware? Ryuk is a sophisticated ransomware threat that targets businesses, hospitals, and government institutions across the world.

What's new in Kubernetes 1.20?

Another noteworthy fact of this Kubernetes 1.20 release is that it brings 43 enhancements, up from 34 in 1.19. Of those 43 enhancements, 11 are graduating to Stable, 15 are completely new, and 17 are existing features that keep improving. So many enhancements means that they are smaller in scope. Kubernetes 1.20 is a healthy house cleaning event with a lot of small user-friendly changes.

Security, compliance, and visibility for Amazon EKS-D

Today AWS unveiled the Amazon EKS Distro (EKS-D) and Sysdig is excited to deliver support for the new Kubernetes distribution with our Secure DevOps solutions. Wherever you choose to run EKS-D to run container applications, Sysdig can also be used to detect and respond to runtime threats, continuously and validate compliance, as well as monitor and troubleshoot.

Tigera to Support Amazon EKS-Distro

Today, we are excited to announce our commitment to support Calico and Calico Enterprise for the Amazon EKS-Distro, a Kubernetes distribution based on and used by Amazon EKS. EKS-D enables you to create reliable and secure Kubernetes clusters using the same versions of Kubernetes and its dependencies deployed by Amazon EKS. We view EKS-D as further confirmation of the central role that Kubernetes plays in today’s IT infrastructure.

Ivanti Acquires MobileIron and Pulse Secure to Accelerate Our Vision for the Everywhere Enterprise

I am excited to share the news that Ivanti has closed the acquisitions of MobileIron, a leading provider of mobile-centric Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solutions, and Pulse Secure, a leading provider of secure access and mobile security solutions.

IT Life Hacks for Monitoring

Of all the different sets of hacks IT pros pick up, monitoring may be the most wide-ranging area and therefore the hardest to nail down in a single blog. After all, how many network hack techniques are equally valid here? And therein lies the actual secret—the IT life hacks collected by monitoring experts have little to do with a specific technology or silo and much more to do with the philosophy and discipline of monitoring itself.