In this blog post we’ll cover how to implement Docker Scanning for Jenkins with the Sysdig Secure Jenkins plugin. The plugin can be used in both freestyle and pipeline jobs to scan images and fail the build if the image fails a policy evaluation.
The Incident Command Center (ICC) empowers your organization to command, control, and coordinate incident response without having to leave the OpsGenie app. With the ever-expanding demand for always-on services, increasing uptime is just as critical. Streamlining incident response leads to faster resolution of issues and less headaches for your customer.
Since 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has spurred organizations to embrace Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) to build, automate, and scale their systems. Over the years, AWS has expanded beyond basic compute resources (such as EC2 and S3), to include tools like CloudWatch for AWS monitoring, and managed infrastructure services like Amazon RDS for database management.