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What's the Difference Between Gen 1 and Gen 2 VMs?

Virtual machines (VMs) have been around for quite some time now and have become a cornerstone of modern-day IT infrastructure. They provide a convenient way to run multiple operating systems on a single physical machine, allowing users to consolidate their hardware and save costs. However, as VM technology has evolved, newer versions of VMs have been introduced, such as generation 1 and generation 2 VMs.

Multi-Cloud Deployment: Deploying Consistent Infrastructure Across AWS, GCP, Azure + More

Moving to the cloud is no small feat, especially for enterprise-scale infrastructure. And just imagine the complications when you need to deploy across more than one cloud. Multi-cloud deployment is sometimes characterized by slow, error-prone workloads, lack of consistency, and inflexibility that holds users back. In this blog, we’ll provide clear definitions, use cases, benefits, challenges, and factors to consider for multi-cloud deployment.

Game Day: Stress-testing our response systems and processes

At incident.io, we deal with small incidents all the time—we auto-create them from PagerDuty on every new error, so we get several of these a day. As a team, we’ve mastered tackling these small incidents since we practice responding to them so often. However, like most companies, we’re less familiar with larger and more severe incidents—like the kind that affect our whole product, or a part of our infrastructure such as our database, or event handling.

3 Common GCP Billing Challenges - And How CloudZero Overcomes Them

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google’s answer to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, is steadily gaining steam. Launched in 2008 — just two years after AWS — GCP has taken the bronze medal in public cloud services for years. While it still occupies third place, its market share has steadily expanded: In Q4 2021, GCP owned 9% of the public cloud market, and by Q3 2022, it had jumped to 11%.

Azure Stateful Node is now in General Availability

We are excited to announce that Azure Stateful Node is now in General Availability. This unique, proprietary development follows the ongoing success of AWS Stateful Node and the increasing demand from our customers working in Azure. With Azure Stateful Node, Spot by NetApp’s customers can now run their stateful compute workloads on Azure with up to 90% immediate cost reduction and maximum availability.

How To Monitor Server Performance with MetricFire

Servers are a critical component of modern IT infrastructure, and they play a key role in delivering the services and applications that power our digital world. Efficient servers can handle higher workloads and respond to requests more quickly, resulting in faster application response times and improved customer satisfaction. By optimizing server efficiency, businesses can ensure that their servers are operating at their maximum potential, with all resources being utilized to their fullest capacity.

Complete your Software Supply Chain with GitLab CI/CD and JFrog

Software is more than building code. Developing software and ensuring quality builds requires managing a complete software supply chain. With the many security threats across the supply chain, managing each and every aspect of the software you deliver to your customers, including the entire process of how it was made, is critical to your organization. This means setting up your software release cycle to include DevOps and security best practices.

A Guide to the Best Free and Paid DNS Services

DNS stands for the Domain Name System. This system translates website names into IP addresses so that those sites could be loaded by various devices. When you are browsing the internet, you get assigned a server automatically when you are loading pages. Unless you have your own server, this might not be an ideal option. The server you use is directly responsible for the loading speed. And if it goes down, there will be no internet connection at all.