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GrafanaCONline: Grafana plugins

With Grafana 7.0 we are graduating our packages for Plugin Developers to a beta stage. These packages (@grafana/ui, @grafana/data, @grafana/runtime and last but not least @grafana/toolkit) are aimed to simplify the developer experience for those who wish to extend the Grafana platform. In this webinar I’ll present key ideas behind these packages and the way how you can use them to build for the Grafana Platform and create consistent experiences for the audience of your plugins.

GrafanaCONline: Chrome browsing data to Grafana - as you browse

Chrome Devtools is used by all web developers to debug and inspect network traffic. Sometimes the page loads sluggishly, and then you open Devtools and reload the page, and the problem is gone. What if you wanted to know how well the site performs, for example, when you click six pages? While it is possible to keep the tab open at all times, it is hard to see the big picture from the data in the network tab. This is a wonderful use case for time series and Grafana! In this presentation I will show how to get the same data visualized in Grafana in near real time (1s delay) without opening the Devtools at all.

How to Monitor for Unauthorized Changes to Your Linux Packages With SCM

Packages keep your Linux servers up to date and running smoothly. Yet if someone tampers with the packages getting deployed to your server, you could have serious performance issues, expose your organization to harmful viruses, or open it up a new vulnerability. Keeping an eye out for what packages are deployed, the package sources, and how they're changed could help prevent or alert you to an issue. In this video, we'll show you how to gain visibility into your Linux packages and track how they're changing over time.

Introduction to Site Reliability Engineering

In this session, we start with the basics of SRE, including some common terminology and theory, then dive into practical examples—including lessons learned from our own journey here at Datadog. We discuss the relationship between SRE and DevOps, what success looks like (and how to measure it), and how to identify and nurture both internal and external talent in order to build a cross-functional team. SRE is a large, complex topic, so the session ends with a live Q&A and deep-dive into some great topics.