The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
In our last blog post on monitoring employee experience, we discussed the challenges most organizations face when trying to ensure optimal end user experience in Daas/VDI environments. We also discussed how the Catchpoint platform is uniquely positioned to help our customers monitor employee experience efficiently - In the second part of the series, we discuss a real customer use case.
AWS Step Functions is a powerful orchestration service that lets you model even the most complex business workflows. It packs a great visualization tool (which you can also use to design your workflows visually now!) and can integrate with many AWS services directly, including Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway. It’s one of my favorite AWS services and I often use it to model complex or business-critical workflows.
Most front-end developers and practitioners are familiar with real user monitoring (RUM) tools as a means to understand how end-users are perceiving the performance of applications. Few people, however, are aware of the history of the RUM market, going back more than two decades. Over the years, as the internet has evolved with new technologies, RUM tools have evolved in lock-step to cater to the ever changing needs and use cases of engineering teams.
Employees in today’s corporations are dependent on properly functioning technology in order to get their work done and realize their business objectives. User experience can affect outcomes positively or negatively. The IT team at HCL Technologies turned to Nexthink to grant them insight into their client’s user experience and facilitate proactive responses to issues affecting users.
Chaos theory tells us that disruption strongly relates to time; and that the interval between chaos events either increases or decreases based on the amount of action. It sounds like a complex concept but the internet has managed to prove this theory and make it viral – not Rick Roll viral, more like DogeCoin viral – where profits are instantly influenced by volatile popularity. Inside the internet, speed equals profit so it makes sense to monitor it…but what does that mean?
As company infrastructures now sprawl across several different environments, additional tools need to be added to the portfolio. But adhering to the traditional approach of focusing on individual devices, their health, performance, and availability, only aggravates its downsides; i.e. visibility blind spots, tool disparity, and therewith connected “swivel-chair” management. The problem calls for increased network traffic visibility that does not come at the cost of extra work.