One of the great promises of digital transformation is its ability to vastly enhance the customer experience. By empowering your workers with the tools and information to deliver extraordinary customer service, you create increased value for your customers and your business. However, driving customer digital transformation requires a shift in mindset and approach.
Now, more than ever, the employee experience (CX) and customer experience (EX) are intertwined. Improving CX has a positive impact on EX, and vice versa. “Companies that excel at experience delivery don’t think of the two as separate,” notes Dave Wright, chief innovation officer at ServiceNow, in the Summer 2022 issue of Workflow Quarterly. “Instead, they align EX and CX to multiply the effects of each.
Usually, maintenance is performed based on two factors first is when asset failure has occurred and second is scheduled maintenance. In both cases, asset maintenance is done when the asset is in good condition or when it is too late. This is where condition-based monitoring maintenance comes into play. This maintenance is proactive, and maintenance is given to assets when it is required. For this purpose, assets are inspected regularly, several asset tracking techniques are used such as IoT.
A recent news report shows the federal government is struggling significantly more than the private sector when recruiting new employees. Axios reporter Emily Peck writes: “While the number of private-sector jobs surpassed its pre-pandemic level, there are 664,000 fewer people employed in the public sector, according to the government jobs report released .” Peck speculates this disparity can be attributed to the inflexibility of government work.
Maintenance is one major part of all assets & equipment. It is helpful in keeping safe from unexpected equipment failure, that is why automated software is crucial for an organization. This is where CMMS and plant maintenance comes into play. However, there are lots of similarities between CMMS and plant maintenance, but they are different from each other. In this blog, we will know how CMMS and plant maintenance are different.