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The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.

Alerts vs Incidents vs ITSM

In order to effectively address production issues in your application, you need to have a strong incident response strategy. Incident response starts with an alert which leads to mobilization and response, and finally results in a record of all that happened and was learned from addressing issues. In this session of Dissecting DevOps, learn about the lifecycle of incidents from alert to post mortem and why incident response is as much a strategy as a process.

Better Together: Benefits of Connecting Configuration, Change, and Release Management

Both the technology and infrastructure we use have changed how we deliver services to our customers (or employees in this case). But how are our businesses adapting to these changes? How are we identifying relationships across new environments? Are we understanding the implications of what’s being introduced? In order to keep business applications and operations running smoothly, it’s crucial to understand the value of three key ITIL practices: configuration, change, and release management.

Partner Chat: Flycast on ESM and IT Operations Management

Bobby McCullough is a Sales Engineer with Flycast, an IT service provider specializing in service management, asset management, security and IT operations management. Flycast uses OpsRamp internally and also resells the platform to its customers. He spoke with us about trends in ESM, ITSM and IT operations.

ServiceNow partners with Cisco to enhance contact tracing capabilities

ServiceNow announced a new integration with Cisco DNA Spaces, a location-based application and analytics tool, to enhance COVID-19 contact tracing. The integration will use the Wi-Fi-enabled proximity reporting application to help organizations manage the return of employees to the workplace, as well as closely monitor workspaces, to maintain proper physical distancing. We’ve also added new capabilities to the ServiceNow Safe Workplace suite to make business travel safer and more manageable.

4 ways to save on IT costs in the asset life cycle [Part 4: Retirement and disposal]

Welcome back to the final part of our four-part blog series on saving on IT costs in the asset life cycle. In the last part, we talked about how to cut costs during maintenance and support. In this part, we’ll look at retirement and disposal, and ways to save during this phase. The retirement phase of the asset life-cycle can be tricky, because asset managers have to accurately judge the time frame for when a certain asset is ready for retirement.

Customer Story: How Arup solved their IT infrastructure challenges with our ServiceNow Monitoring MP

Arup are a global architectural engineering company, behind ground-breaking structures such as: Sydney Opera House, Changi Airport Singapore, Hong Kong Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, and many more. Behind these amazing projects sits a large IT infrastructure, spanning 44 countries, across 3 key regions Americas, UKIMEA & APAC.

5 IT Self-Service Portal Use Cases That Are Not-So-IT

An IT self-service portal is much more than an IT storefront. With the consumer-world self-service technology becoming more obvious and available to end-users, it is critical to provide a similar experience with corporate self-service portals. But when it comes to self-service portals, ‘less is more’ doesn’t really work. Who wouldn’t pick a multi-functional portal over the one that is only limited to IT operations?

How to Use the Triple-A Framework to Optimize Your IT Services

Marketing teams have the 4 Ps (product, price, place, and promotion). Sales teams have ABC (Always Be Closing). As far as frameworks go, there are a lot of great examples out there for how we can effectively do our jobs, create processes, and make decisions. But what about IT teams looking to optimize their services? Do any frameworks exist? One does, it’s called the triple-A framework—and it’s got nothing to do with batteries.