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Working with Solr Plugins System

Apache Solr was always ready to be extended. What was only needed is a binary with the code and the modification of the Solr configuration file, the solrconfig.xml and we were ready. It was even simpler with the Solr APIs that allowed us to create various configuration elements – for example, request handlers. What’s more, the default Solr distribution came with a few plugins already – for example, the Data Import Handler or Learning to Rank.

Log management: The key to centralized log aggregation and easy troubleshooting

A large number of security breaches are impacting industry verticals, including banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), telecom, and hospitality, so there's a growing need for organizations to fortify their infrastructure against these threats. For example, by the time T-Mobile identified the intrusion and unauthorized access to its sensitive data in 2019, both its customer and employee details were already stolen by hackers.

5 Benefits of Cloud-Based Log Aggregation Tools

In the modern digital ecosystem, every user activity, system error, application transaction, and network packet movement can be tracked using logs. This level of visibility into systems, networks, and applications is useful for troubleshooting bottlenecks, analyzing past trends, and predicting future events. However, monitoring various cloud-based and on-premises resources becomes complex in the absence of proper log aggregation tools.

Limitless analytics for all your data, at a price that fits your budget

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and taking advantage of the added time at home to spend ample time with your families, picking up new hobbies, workout routines, and staying active! We are in unprecedented times, and as you look around, we are all having to change our ways and adjust to the new normal in our personal and professional lives.

Making Machine Learning Accessible to More Users

As we connect with customers we increasingly hear the need for teams to be more predictive with their data. A big challenge is uncertainty around how to get started, especially when much of their data is unstructured. At Splunk, our goal is to make data — and machine learning — accessible for a broad range of users. The good news is, with machine learning doing even more work on your behalf, you don’t need to be a data scientist to use these advanced capabilities.

Introducing the New LogDNA Agent for Kubernetes

On the internet, nothing necessarily stays easy, simple, and reliable forever – but we’re trying to keep it that way for your logs. When our customers use Kubernetes, they want to remain focused on the real challenges of scaling, and avoid infrastructure headaches, so that they can adapt to the unexpected easily and with a minimum of toil. That’s why we continue to invest in the LogDNA Agent. It’s built to handle file logging in even the most intensive Kubernetes deployments.

Store and Show Raw Log Lines

LogDNA is adding the ability to store and view raw lines, allowing customers to debug with logs in their unaltered form. If you’ve ever looked at your logs and noticed that the timestamp was different than what you expected, it is usually due to a long latency between the event and processing time of the logs. Depending on the size of the latency, we may update the log timestamp to order them accurately and to provide a cleaner and more intuitive search experience.

Your Employees Are Superheroes, but This Superpower Might Be a Security Risk

Many people are working from home (WFH) now and will be for at least the next few weeks. The VPN and TLS connections that remote workers rely on allow for secure access, and although these are not new connection types to monitor, the current WFH situation has created a significant increase in the number of these connections you must monitor. This new WFH scenario has made one thing easier: mobile users are no longer mobile.

"Fiel-ding Good" - Three great ways to enrich AWS logs in Sumo Logic

In this article I’m going to show you three quick and easy ways to enrich your AWS log data in Sumo Logic using fields. Fields is a feature of Sumo shipped in 2019 as part of our Kubernetes monitoring solution and is how the fluentd pipeline adds Kubernetes metadata like service and pod to each log event. It’s also really handy for enriching each log event from AWS with fields.