The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.
These days lots of organizations are paying attention to maintenance management. All maintenance managers want to keep their organization’s assets well maintained. In order to do that, the best practices for Maintenance Management must be utilized. In this blog, we will tell you the best practice of maintenance management for all organizations. So, let us begin! But first, let us know about maintenance management!
Few industries have been more affected by the COVID-19 pandemic than travel. Singapore Airlines (SIA) faced a more difficult situation than most airlines given the lack of a domestic market in the geographically small nation-state. A robust digitalization push in the years leading up to the pandemic softened the worst effects and allowed the airline to quickly pivot.
Given a choice, would you rather wait for a cab ride that’s 25 mins away or look for other options to reach your destination faster? Without a doubt, you would pick the latter, right? Today’s ‘want-it-now’ consumer mentality is driving most technology organizations to rethink how they interact with employees and customers. Employees have consumer-grade expectations for corporate applications, and IT requests at the workplace.
When the capabilities of IT service management are applied to other business functions like HR, Finance, Facilities, Legal, Sales, or Marketing to improve service delivery, it is known as ESM (Enterprise Service Management)