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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Monitor and visualize database performance with Datadog Database Monitoring

When you’re running databases at scale, finding performance bottlenecks can often feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. In any troubleshooting scenario, you need to know the exact state of your database at the onset of an issue, as well as its behavior leading up to it.

Elevate your event data with Custom Data Enrichment in Coralogix

Have you ever found yourself late at night combing through a myriad of logs attempting to determine why your cluster went down? Yes, that’s a really stressful job, especially when you think about how much money your company loses as a result of these incidents. Gartner estimates that the revenue lost due to outages is around $5,600/minute, which amounts to more than $330K/hour.

What's new in Grafana 8.1: Geomap panel

The Worldmap panel in Grafana is an existing feature in OSS that has been widely used, but it has some limits that weren’t easily fixed. Now with the release of Grafana v8.1 , we have introduced an upgrade to the Worldmap panel with the new Geomap panel visualization that allows you to view and customize a world map using geospatial data, all while sharing the same infrastructure with our core UI.

Dynatrace vs. SolarWinds vs. Scout

Software development has always played a vital role in the development of a business. But software development is not only the coding of a part of the software; it also extends to debugging, testing, releasing frequently, and monitoring. Application performance monitoring is one of the most essential things that every software needs to do because a running software application can always go wrong in ways unimaginable.

Python Logging Levels Explained

The complexity of applications is continually increasing the need for good logs. This need is not just for debugging purposes but also for gathering insight about the performance and possible issues with an application. The Python standard library is an extensive range of facilities and modules that provide most of the basic logging features. Python programmers are given access to system functionalities they would not otherwise be able to employ.

Full-cycle observability with the Elastic Stack and Lightrun

An application running in production is a difficult beast to tame. Most experienced developers–ones who spent enough late nights or Saturday mornings trying to break apart a nasty production bug–will try and create the clearest possible picture for their later selves while writing their code, so that they could understand what’s actually going on in the system during an incident.