The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
Citrix digital workspaces are one of the most performance sensitive technologies being deployed in enterprise networks today. This is due to several reasons: All of this means that if there is a slight glitch in the network, in the Citrix servers, or the applications being accessed, this can result in poor performance for users. In this blog, we review some of the most common myths about Citrix performance monitoring that we have encountered.
Not everyone can say they have a “community”. Maybe the president of the apartment building where you live, or even some megalomaniac Sims player, but few other people. We are aware of it and we have to say that it is a great pride to have a community, feel part of one, participate, understand each other, dialogue… For Pandora FMS, it took a lot to create this community. It has been step by step, link by link, but today we can say that we are completely satisfied with it.
With the advent of cloud technologies, there has been a major shift in the way organizations handle infrastructure operations and service delivery. The increasing shift towards cloud-based and hybrid cloud ecosystems for business operations has made it necessary for organizations to employ cloud monitoring tools that monitor the performance and efficiency of these cloud-hosted services.
Braintree, MA and Philadelphia, PA – Sept 3, 2020 – IntraSystems, Inc., a Citrix Worldwide Partner of the Year, and Goliath Technologies, a Citrix Ready partner offering end-user experience monitoring and troubleshooting software, announced their new strategic partnership.
Hi, everyone! In honor of bingeing every season of Community over the last few weeks, Eldin and Christine have been inspired to rebrand ourselves as none other than our other favorite dynamic duo, Troy and Abed! Yet, instead of singing “Troy and Abed in the morning,” we are back to write about some useful improvements we’ve made to our Enterprise Dynatrace plugin.
The cost of logging is one of the big problems of a scaled software system. Logging solutions now need to support far more than they ever have. You need to make a real investment in a logging solution that can support these initiatives. However, the up-front costs of a custom-built logging solution are prohibitive for many organizations. No business wants its bottom line affected by logging costs. That’s where Coralogix comes in.