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The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.

Long Weekend and you Locked Yourself Out of Your Computer

The latest Verizon DBIR report is out and we all should realize, normal is not the new workplace. Picture this: You’re logging into the work account after a long weekend of gratitude, remembrance and maybe even getting to hug someone safely. Okay, we’re exaggerating a little but variations of this scene are playing out all over the country this week. You’re frustrated and you haven’t even gotten started on the work that piled up over the weekend.

Project Portfolio Management: Creating project management excellence

Project managers are the link between programmers and designers and between sales and customers. As such, project managers have to understand the importance of efficient, automated business processes and be comfortable dealing with people. At Germany-based global IT services and consulting company T-Systems, we take project management seriously. That's why we have a dedicated project management committee and 1,700 full-time project managers.

Top 3 NLP Use Cases for ITSM

What is NLP Natural Language Processing is a specialized subdomain of Machine Learning which is generally concerned with the interactions between the human and machine using a human verbal or written language. NLP helps in processing huge volumes of text which would take a significant amount of time for a human to comprehend and process otherwise. Hence a lot of organizations take advantage of NLP to gain useful insights out of their text and free formatted data.

How important is middleware monitoring for organizations?

As any organization grows and goes wider and bigger, their infrastructure and the IT landscape also expands. The “N” number of dependencies and running tasks at a moment needs careful monitoring. However, bigger the organization, the more complex and difficult it gets to monitor the transitions and communication. Without the smooth transactions and perfectly running operations team, day-to-day business would go through many hurdles.

Working from home: Remembering an unforgettable year

March 11, 2020. Does that date ring a bell? For many, it won’t soon be forgotten. It’s the day when many companies across the globe closed their doors to keep workers safe from the pandemic. ServiceNow employees were told, “Be safe and go home.” This marked the official beginning of our work-from-home experience, one that turned our work lives—and many personal lives—upside down.

Why You Should Switch To A Modern Cloud-Based ITSM Solution.

Is my service desk investment paying off? Is my service desk delivering true business value? Are we incurring costs that are not under control? Are we able to leverage the service desk beyond IT use cases? If your current ITSM solution makes you question its true value and reliability, are you even using the right ITSM tool? We don’t think so! Let’s get one thing straight. We don’t advocate a one-size-fits-all approach.

3 ways to digitally transform the customer experience

In an age when customers voice their dissatisfaction by ranting on social media or quietly taking their business to a competitor, it’s more important than ever to keep them engaged with—and coming back to—your brand. At ServiceNow, we’re committed to helping you workflow a better customer experience. Learn practical, attainable ways to engage your customers through these four webinars.

How to Structure Your IT Service Desk to Support Process Improvements

Buying a modern service desk tool won’t solve all your problems in and of itself. Although these tools are designed to ensure general best practices are met, service desk tools must also be configured to address your organization’s specific essential protocols. In a recent Info-Tech study that surveyed 623 organizations worldwide, the most frequently adopted service management processes are.